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05-19-10 Trails Committee
Meeting Minutes - Newtown Trails Committee
In attendance:
Committee Chair - Scott Coleman
Committee Members:
Steve Rosentel
Paula Burton
Karl Philippi
TOm Long
Cindy Miller
Mark Lurie
Newtown Conservation Committee Representative - Mary Kaley
Parks and Recreation Representative - Amy Mangold
Public Participants/Attendees:
Austin Cirella
Rep. Debralee Hovey
Pat Barkman
7:07 call to order
Acceptance of Minutes - A motion was made by Tom Long to accept the minutes,
the motion was seconded by Cindy Miller. Motion carried.
Public Participation
Item 1:
Austin Cirella is looking for an Eagle Scout Trails project. There was
discussion regarding the development of a trail on the town’s open space next to
Dickenson Park at Deep Brook and connecting up to Point O’ Rocks space. Pat
Barkman volunteered to act as sponsor for Austin’s project.
Motion made by Paula Burton to approve Austin researching the project with the
intent of developing the trail. Motion Seconded by Cindy Miller. Motioned carried.
Austin will start writing up a plan for trail development in order to seek approvals.
Item 2:
Representative Hovey suggested the definition of multi-use trails be modified
to specifically note the use of stone dust instead of asphalt.
- much more environmentally friendly
- doesn’t leech into the surrounding ground
- can be easily repaired due to use or weather
Representative Hovey is also working on a state standard for marking multiuse
trails. It is working its way through the system.
Correspondence – Representative Debralee Hovey was copied on correspondence
to the Governer’s Horse Guard (regarding item #2 above) from Fairfield Hills
Authority regarding hoof prints on the paved trails at Fairfield Hills. Rep. Hovey to
follow-up. Suggestion to recommend a parallel trail composed of stone dust next to
the asphalt trail for horses to use.
Chairman report
Rob Sibley will be at the next meeting. Will ask him to bring maps of the 4
properties recommended. He will also report on what is scheduled to be surveyed.
Report on the excellent conclusion of the Swamp Road rail to trail projects
conducted by the Boy Scouts. The second 600’ section was completed although the
actual distance was less than 600’ to abide by the agreement that the trail would
stop where the swamp ended in order to discourage people from going around the
barrier. The trail was cleared, a barrier was created at the end of the trail, a turnaround
was developed and a sign was erected noting the end of the trail.
The one negative reported was that the sign was removed from its
location and moved. Karl Phillipi admitted that he had taken it upon himself to move
the sign to a location he believed was the true end of the trail. Discussion followed
and it was determined that research would be done to determine why there was
differing opinions on the location of the end of the trail.
Parks & Recreation Director report -
Nothing to report, but provided input on connecting the trail Austin Cirella is
looking to develop to Dickenson Park.
Newtown Conservation Committee report -
Nothing to report
Old Business
Need to send a reminder to Rob Sibley to check if the culvert is clogged
alongside the Swamp Road trail.
Mark Lurie - waiting for survey for the Sanford Road project.
Paula Burton - waiting for survey for the Pole Bridge project.
New Business –
Item 1: Cindy Miller to work with Rob Sibley on the Pond Brook property.
Meeting adjourned at 8:22 pm